Friday, April 24, 2009

don't look. no, seriously.

i tried to warn you.

i've peeled off some of this dead skin since yesterday, but it appears that curse of the mummy hand lingers, if only a little - it's stinky shroud has been disposed of, but the body was perfectly preserved beneath, and waiting to be reunited the next life. or something, during the first hour after the cast removal, the negative imprint of the bubble wrap lining was visible in my skin, which is ultra-sensitive now to things like air and water and being touched and looked at.

the arm itself is not particularly smaller than the right side, mostly because i have tiny wrists to begin with (less than 6") and the previously broken area is either a) swollen or b) bigger where the bone bridge grew. you can, however, see where the short cast stopped on my forearm - there's almost a landscaping tier-down effect going on, which i must say is not as sexy as you might imagine. oddly, i have more freckles than before and the little hairs are darker in some spots, and every last hair on the portion that was casted stands straight up in the air when i walk across the room, apparently because the breeze gives me goosebumps but at the same time, the top half of my forearm is all "psh, you guys are total losers, give me 40 below and i'll give you gooseflesh, lay back down, you're embarrassing us all."

you may notice i have not resumed punctuation, and that is because i've grown to like this sloppy, lower-case, cluster fuck of a blog style (i guess "style" is stretching it a tad), but also, it's because i underestimated the power of joint stiffness in a wrist that has been immobilized and squeezed for five weeks. my, like, won't bend. or turn. AT ALL. and when i try to slowly stretch out the muscle, there's this blinding white pain and my thumb locks in the Pain On position, and i have to suck in a big mouth of air and physically unlock the thumb with my working hand. and then i go and put the splint on right away so as to avoid any accidental contact/motion/thinking about the goddamn high maintenance joint on my left side.

i guess, having never broken a bone before, i did not realize how painful it would be to rehab. i'm going to have to get very drunk this weekend so i can soak the wrist in water to loosen it up, then bite down on a leather belt while i slowly rotate my hand a fraction of an inch at a time, because that's the only way i'll be able to tolerate the pain, and yes i'm a total fucking pussy, but keep in mind, when i actually broke the thing i almost went to work instead of back home, and i kind of thought it was just a sprain, and i didn't cry and it wasn't as much like water boarding as this is now. but i kind of have to get the damn thing to bend, otherwise i might as well chop it off for all the good it's going to do me.

i'm hoping this is totally normal for freshly reincarnated joints, but yesterday as i stood looking at my new xrays with the bone doc, he was careful to keep repeating the phrase, "it looks reasonable," and "it's healed reasonably well," and "hmmm, well you don't have to have perfect wrist bones in order to have a perfect wrist," (which, what the fuck is a perfect wrist, is there some hollywood standard i'm unaware of, and oh my god should i hire a trainer and a chef for my sub-perfect wrist?). so basically the problem remains what it was on day one: that the radius bone isn't up as close to my hand as it once was, and subsequently all the multitude of carpal bones are kind of sagging - listing, if you will - and so we're basically just hoping it's no big deal and i'll be fine and my wrist will one day WORK again. because if not, i'm really not sure what the options are, except that i do know what they are, and they involve physical therapy and hospitals and time off from work and the possibility that it won't fix anything, but it will cost a fortune.

i need one of you to come over and hold me down while someone bends mummy wrist so i don't have to do it myself because i, truly, don't wanna. you must make me.


  1. You need some serious lotion.

  2. My ankle did that - locked in the pain on position - after I got the cast off. I had forgotten about it til you mentioned your wrist doing it.

    Wow, is that some scaly mess there!
    My leg wasn't scaly just real hairy and thinner.

    Hope your arm skin clears up soon!

    Do you have to have physical therapy?
    The pain you have made me wonder...

  3. I can't believe it's already been 8 weeks since you broke it! Wow!

  4. Pain is just a state of mind!

    That's what my crazy grandfather used to say. Notice I said crazy.

    Also, I think you need to put some vaseline REALLY intensive care on that thing before you develop some sort of weird arm eating skin disorder.

  5. That is fucking disgusting. Put that thing away already.

  6. Soak in a hot bath.. That will help the scales to, um, disappear (don't look too closely at the water left in the tub) and will help with 'range of motion' issues.. In other words, the white hot pain will only be, like, pinkish hot.. :):)
    Oh, and 'eewww!!' on the first pic!! :):):)

  7. WOW. That mummy-hand looks sooo gross. I can't lie.

    But I hope your wrist starts to work!

  8. ew... yeah.... looks like you need to soak it in baby oil....

  9. That is totally fucking disgusting. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh damn. Looks like mummy hand left a token... Perhaps a mummy exorcism is in order?

    When I broke my wrist, it hurt a lot for a long-ass time after the cast was off, and it would protest violently if I tried to use it, but after a very long time of gentle care it actually felt better. Now, years later, it is like new.

    Realize that my little story might not inspire the kind of hope I intended it to, but really, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  11. Do you get handicapped parking at all while that thing heals?

  12. That is the saddest thing I have ever seen! Prayers for a quick dead skin slough off and increased movement of that wrist.


  14. You won't have to go to the hospital to rehab. They'll set you up with a three times a week appt where you'll go into a "rehab center" and do lots of fun and silly things. Try it. You may like it.

  15. Can you please put dollops of food coloring in each little section and make a stain-glass wrist?


  16. Ouch. OMG ouch.

    I'd tell you to frame that picture, because surely this has got to be like some heroic feat you're going through, but really... don't frame the picture. Maybe burn it. Yes. Definitely burn it.

  17. If you want, I'll come over and punch you square in the hooha. You know....pain transference.

  18. You have such a dewy complexion in your other pictures, I didn't realize you were NINETY EIGHT.

  19. I was really expecting to see some punctuation when I showed up here today, you pussy.

    I heard that Heroes is casting a new character, Lizard Girl. You interested? That really must have itched like a mofo.

  20. I love and adore you but when I saw that pic, I nearly puked.

    I heard rehabbing of broken bones is a total bitch. I guess I figured you'd learn that soon enough, didn't want to upset you any sooner than needed

  21. I think I saw Jesus in your flaky arm.

  22. Oh god, I would be itching to pick at that was it mine.

    Sorbolene, a good soak in the bath and more sorbolene.

  23. I just puked up my Lucky Charms. They're not so magically delicious the second time around.

  24. I love it, (cause it's not me itching to death)it looks like if you move your arm it will break off. Sweet. Well not sweet for you, but sweet for every freak that thinks this kind of thing is cool.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.