Tuesday, November 04, 2008

For Which I Won't Be Thanking Jesus

Lookie! Lookie! I know you're all just besides yourselves with glee on my behalf,
because lookie what I got!

Thanks to Elle Charlie at Sometimes a Girl Needs a Blog for bestowing this upon me. Sometimes a girl truly does need a blog. It's my very first bloggy award! This calls for getting totally hammered and dancing naked on the kitchen counter! Woooooo! Ahem. Ok. Miss Elle (is it pronounced "L-e" or just "L"?? She's so mysterious!). I don't remember how I found her blog...one of the many comment lurking extravaganza's, probably...but I am so glad I did. She's a local girl, here in the Twin Cities metro area. So that means I can eventually stalk her the old fashioned way. All in due time. Go check her out!

Ok, what this means for me is that I must list 6 things that make me happy. I could list all the things you might expect, my non-husband, my family, peace on earth, but I think I'm going to be totally honest instead. So here goes. The 6 things that make me truly happy:

1) Opening a bottle of red wine, and knowing I don't have to share it with anyone.

2) Chapstick.

3) When I go for an oil change and they tell me the air filter looks good.

4) Leftovers that taste better than they did the first go-round (IS true of chili and Chinese food. NOT true of macaroni & cheese or sandwiches).

5) Putting on a pair of pants that both fit my waist AND hang longer than my ankle bones.

6) The last 30 minutes of work on the day before a long weekend. Or even just a regular weekend.

Ok, now I'm sure you're all filled with thankfully-ness having read my list of Happy Things. So let me share the bloggy love (apparently that really is the technical term) with some of my new blogging friends:

1) Nikki at My Husband Calls Me Weird because she loves to say fuck as much as I do. Which is kinda fitting since she's got a bun in the oven...we all know what SHE likes to do!

2) Michelle at Confessions of a Desperate Housewife because she's my Jill and I heart her. Also because she's got 4 kids and her tits still look amazing!

3) Veronica at Sleepless Nights because she's foreign, and I am open-minded like that. I forgave her the giant spider she posted last week and in exchange, she is teaching me the metric system.

4) Witchypoo at PsychicGeek because I get the feeling she knows something I don't know. Also, I imagine her as freaky in the sack, and who doesn't love that?

5) Kat at Just Kat Stuff because I know she's doing NaBloPoMo too, and one can never have too much post material if one is doing NaBloPoMo. Plus, she's a fellow Kat/Cat. OH! And she's both the mother of a young child AND a grandmother. I still haven't figured out the math on that one, but she's from Florida, so I'm sure it's normal down there.

6) Jenny at Flibbity because she seems so tense and her puter broke and she probably needs some cyber love. I forgive her her obsession with country music because she says nice things to me, and visits my site on a regular basis (just exchanging one form of artistic garbage with another, but still...)

Ok, that's all kids! There are lots of other bloggers that I'd like to include here, but I'm limited to 6. Also, I don't think Dooce is speaking to me after all the dirty things I did to her husband in my dreams last night. That, and her being super famous and busy and all. Just imagine...a world in which you voluntarily close comments because you get too many. Unthinkable!

Anyhow, Happy Day to everyone! Save me some wine!


  1. Thank you my love! My tits do look amazing don't they??
    Congrats on your prestigious award. No one deserves it as much as you do, thanks for remembering the little people!

  2. Well fucking thank you!! Anyone who uses the word fuck as much as I do is my friend.

    (BTW- did you know that your blog is so powerful that if I read it first thin in the morning when I get to work it freezes up my whole internet?! Impressive.)

  3. Congrats on the award. That spider was awesome. She defintly deserves an award after dealing with that

  4. Congrats! You forgot lasagna, that's always better the second day.

  5. I LOVE pants that fit my waste and cover my ankle bones too! You must be long legged. It's a pain, isn't it? American Eagle always has really long lengths and small waist sizes (as do most really $$$ designer labels). Of course, shopping at American Eagle if you're over 14 is questionable, but I still do it. I shop online though, because the employees of the store all taken together still probably don't equal my age.

  6. Yeah, baby!! I'll put this up tomorrow. Thanks. It's MY first bloggy award too. I feel... so... deserving. understood. humble. And in such good company too - my fellow nominees are awesome.

    I'd like to thank Cat, the academy, and caffeine. And Jesus. And Santa Clause. And Tim Burton.

    I would crack a joke about all the southern inbreeding leading to my having a 2 year old son and a 2 week old grandson, but this one is entirely the fault of the Canadian side of the family. Freakin' snowbacks.

  7. Fuck the Columbia Journalism Review.
    They don't pay the rent.

  8. You did dirty stuff to Jon? What? I see the Dooce and Mister Dooce in passing every once in a while. I'll give Jon a little "something-something" for you if you'd like.

  9. Um, what is it you're DOING with the Chapstick that makes you so happy? No, never mind. Forget I ever asked...

  10. Congrats on your web thingy.
    I just wanted to reply to your kind comment on my first waitress memoir. If it wasn't for you, it wouldn't be there. I am happy to be writing again....and I mean really writing interesting stuff. Who really wants to hear about my new car and how my kids won't sleep? People want to hear about the sexual deviance and Joe the One Night Stand! Thanks for being my muse!

  11. Foreign? It makes me sound like I am from Europe or Mars! (Neither of which are true).

    Hehe, thankyou so much!

  12. Thank you darlin. You're right. I am freaky in the sack.
    word verification is foreign. Heh.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.