Something Incredible

My writer friend, Nickfit, put it this way: When we're writing, it's easy to give up. We have to remember that we're doing...SOMETHING INCREDIBLE. So that's what I'm trying to do.

Here are some of my slightly more legitimate pieces:


My pieces featured in the Metropolitan State University Arts & Literature magazine, Haute Dish:

Here, There  Summer 2010 (Winner of the 2010 Robert L. Carothers Distinguished Student Writer Award)

Humility Spring 2010 (I had to edit this link in 2015 because apparently college publications change servers and hosting sites every 13 minutes, and pages are no longer available, so you're just gonna end up back here where I posted this story, but I swear it really was published in the mag at some point back in the day.)

Eleven's End Summer 2009

*These links are no longer available, so I'm trying to figure out if there's a new link or if they just burned my column to the ground. The latter is probably more likely* Check out my (former) column Life, liberty and the pursuit of a degree at The Metropolitan online. Except go to this new, shiny website instead. Unless you want to read my old columns. Then go to the original link.

I know, it's all very confusing.