Friday, March 27, 2009

hunting for lobsters

:::DISCLAIMER::: THIS IS AN ASSIGNMENT FOR SCHOOL and it's still in a pre-workshop state. i am not a poet. i don't even particularly like poetry. by no means do i intend for this or any post tagged as "voluntary torture" to be taken seriously. (wait, let's just make that "any post").

if it helps get you through the trauma of being subjected to my floundering attempts at non-prose, i will tell you that this one is about the process of recovering from a brain injury (more accurately, the process of trying to figure out how to help someone ELSE recover from a brain injury). the lobster shit is just some of the countless fucked up nonsense i heard out of the mouth of that brain-injured person. if it doesn't help? i'm not surprised.

lobes leaking, jostled
stem taught, pink bands of rubber
snapped, intersections collapsed, detours
fed, through the culvert in your torso,
no traffic on the larynx, hydrated through
pulsing byways, ventilated through
tracheal tunnels, rebuild
highways, crossing of movement and
of thought and of waking, we have no plans
for this grand project, we found no architects
inspired, there is nothing to inspire
them, just asphalt, and we grow used
to detours, then there is more
than nothing, unsettling, but not enough
to call something, bids submitted, cement
marbles sliced through with cerulean, contracts
signed in cerise, take your shotgun
hunting for lobsters and shellfish, dogs
trailing as you are wheeled
down sterile hallways, as bridges
are suspended, spinning, still not something
we have to remember the construction, you
just have to commute


  1. spinning...
    that's how I feel.

    I like this one. Covers so many topics all at once.

  2. Very cool. I dig it.

    Also, hilarious new "about me" in your profile.

  3. NICE! Like the poem, and I too LOVE the profile!

  4. Nice normally I like poetry the same way I like a root canal, when heavily sedated and dreaming of sex with my eighth grade girl friend only now she's 13 feet tall and theres a tiger in the room. Wait..what?

    I mean... I liked this. :)

  5. wow, this may have just fried my brain for the day- that took serious concentration ... note to self, read your blog in the afternoon when all is go! :0 have a great day.

  6. Love your new profile :). And I liked "On Hotel Stationery" better.

  7. Ahhh, Scott's accident, makes more sense now.

  8. Hey Cat, I have a surprise over at my blog for ya. :)

  9. You keep saying you're not a poet and then you pull shit like this out of your ass. You just might be a poet. Own it.

  10. Your disclaimer made me giggle. Also if you ever get that hook hand make sure you put a cork on the end of it when you go for cuddle time with Grey. I could see that getting very messy with a hook hand and all.

  11. I actually really like poetry so this works for me. :)

  12. Dear Lovely Cat,
    I found your blog through Kurt's, so this is all his fault. I've been lurking here for a while but to make it up to you I've given you an award (on my blog, but I promise this is not a shameless plug of my blog)!
    I hope you are less smelly today in the wrist region, and that maybe I'll get up the nerve to leave comments about how awesome your blog is more often (I'm shy! By which I mean sorta lame...)

  13. I gave you some love on my blog!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.