Friday, December 11, 2009

Well, Not So Much

Yeah, so it turns out I can't drive after all. Apparently all those feminists are wrong.

Although when he got home last night, at the end of the day that was the day on which I backed into another car in the parking lot at work and word spread so quickly through the building that I got a phone call from Gray asking if I was okay because he heard it from Don who heard it from Mark who overheard it on the walkie talkies, and now they call me "Crash", on THIS of all days Gray looks at me earnestly and says, "You know I think you know how to drive, right baby?"


Oh, and Karma's a bitch.


  1. If that isn't karma, i don't know what is..

  2. I think the nickname "Crash" sounds dangerous and sexy. You should stick with it.

  3. I haven't left the house since Tuesday. Is that weird?

  4. It really pisses me off when I have to read things on your blog.

  5. I think you should just go with the new nickname. Get an outfit to match. Something with a cape and a great hat. Maybe then karma will think twice before pouncing on you again.

  6. "Crash" Campbell: yeah,that's a keeper. And Gray? He's a keeper, too...but you already knew that didn't you? :)

    Please be careful up there in that Snowmageddon. I want to keep reading the funny/crazy schtuff you post!

  7. This is a great site you have here. I just found it from a friend's page. I have a humor blog as well and I'd like to exchange links with you. This will spread some traffic around between us. Let me know if this is cool.

    HilariousHeadlines TALK

  8. So I'm not aware of your previous driving fails since I fell off the face of the earth but that Jason fucker left the same lame ass comment on my site. Assfuckface. Can you tell I've been drinking?


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.