Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am WAY more excited about this than I have any right to be!

Oh god, I'm a creepy Interweb lady, aren't I? The one who reads famous blogs, gets addicted to them, then decides they don't post often enough, so goes back and reads all of the archives, and once that's done kind of freak out because IT'S OVER WHAT DO I DO NOW, and then find 80 other replacement blogs, and then wonder in my spare time if they plan on trying again any time soon because I'm totally waiting for this news, and then I finally get the news and feel like it's a slap in the face because I had to read it on their blogs and they didn't even call me up like friends should, and then remember we're not friends, I'm just the creepy Interweb lady.

Eh, at least I haven't violated the protection order this month.

CONGRATULATIONS Heather and Jon and Chuck and Leta and Coco and Other Creepy Interweb Stalkers! This is a big day for us ALL!


  1. Ha, good for them. I don't read Dooce, I'm the one person in the world that doesn't think she's all that. I know, please don't hate me.

  2. We are just too much alike! ha ha ha ha ha!

  3. I made myself stop reading her. Not because I didn't want to but because it was time. I needed to move past. I needed to break free from my addiction.

    Hi, my name is Desi and I've been dooce-free for 119 days.

  4. You only didn't break the order because you live about 1500 or so miles from them!

  5. Hah! I am so feeling you right now.

  6. You're turning into a blog junky!

  7. Wow, I'm honestly excited for her. I do hope that she hasn't peed on that stick yet. I'm just saying.

  8. I have trimmed my blog following down as it was taking up too much time and I'm kinda picky on what I find blog worthy. Before I add anyone to my reader I stalk them, lurking around their blog for a while, reading older posts... It just takes one really clever post and I'll keep coming back.

    I also like to follow those who deem me worthy of following... I like blogger and their following feature. I'm also tracking visits using Google Analytics. The keyword report is great.

  9. Casey, its you and me, honey.

    Really, Desi, you were a Dooce addict?

    I just... I've gone to her blog a few times and read a bit and it just hasn't grabbed me. At all. So I haven't probed further. I think maybe she's just not weird enough for me. A little TOO famous.

    I'll stick with weirdos like Cat here, until she sells out and gets too famous, that is, and then I'll have to dump her. ;)

  10. I stopped reading her too. So thank you for sharing this!! I'm really happy for all of them.
    When she does realize how important you are and gives you a call, tell her I said hey.

  11. I love how you put Chucks name before Leta's name! I too am addicted to Dooce. I had to text a friend yesterday to say Heather was having a baby! I know, its sad and I need a life!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.