Monday, December 29, 2008

Forrest Can Kiss It

Now I remember why I used to go running most days. I have to say, today was the first time I've worked up a good, honest sweat in about 9 months. And by "honest", I mean not sex or food-related. The community center in my little world allows people to use their walk/run track for free, which is awesome because I only pay for gym memberships when I have no intention of actually going, and therefore waste $20 a month to pay for the ownership of the little key fob that gets me into a building I never go to.

I didn't run far, all told - about a mile and a half - but that's pretty good for a girl who just quit smoking 10 days ago (less the two smokes I cheated with on Friday night), right?

There's something about the endorphins I get from lapping that old motherfucker in the fedora, and the knowledge that I can have a guilt-free glass of wine. It just really makes me smile.

So I guess I'm running again, at least for now. Don't expect too much - last year I "trained" myself to run a 5K, and I quit about 2 weeks before the actual event even though I was running more than 3 miles already.

I'm a lazy quitter, but damn can I drink wine with the best of 'em!


  1. Seriously, there are other great exercises that don't involve running. Come over. I have an extra bike.

  2. That is awesome. I am so proud of you - and jealous at the same time!

    I loved to run back in the day.
    Then I got asthma and allergies.
    Now I can't run - if I lost weight
    it'd help. That's another story.

    So I do nothing. Not good.
    But there it is.

    I understand laziness so well.

    And that makes me even happier for you, that you didn't succomb to it.

    Way to go!!

  3. About 5 times a year I decide im gonna work out, I do once or twice and then STOP! lol, Its lame! Id rather just eat chips & drink beer

  4. Keep running or doing something, it'll keep the smoking at bay. I always though sex sweat was an honest sweat.

  5. I tried running once, but I kept spilling my martini, so I was forced to stop.

  6. Running makes me thirsty. And makes me want to drink more. So I just cut out the middleman and go right to the drinking.

  7. LOL, $20 a month for ownership of a key fob, well least you know you can get into the building. :) Good for laying off the butts!

    (LOL @ Heathers comment)

  8. you know....I used to drink and THEN run. It took the edge off! lol

  9. Good work, it's more than I coulda done. I can't even walk to the mailbox without breaking a sweat.

  10. Man. I need to run too. I just saw some recent holiday pictures and realized that I looked more like Garrison Keilor than I'd like to...or anybody should. (Except, of course, Garrison Keilor.)
    Good for you though, Kid. Keep it up. Maybe you can inspire the rest of us.

  11. Like Kate I too am proud yet jealous of your ability to run and keep to it! I'm buying a treadmill next month, in the meantime I'll stick to my workout vidoes that make me look like an ass. :o)

  12. Kel: I have a bike, it's hibernating until April or possibly May.

    Kate: Thanks! Don't be jealous, I'm no athlete. Usually when I attempt to do anything like this, I get this exercise-induced asthma, which I'm pretty sure is actually just "lazy as hell" syndrome.

    Bobby G: Beer and chips are much better than exercise. Especially a good stout with some salt & vinegar chips.

    Heinous: You're totally right about that! Sex sweat...well, according to my family, I'm going to hell for my sex sweat at the moment. Because it's unwedded sex sweat.

    Heather my Queen: That's what the backpack bladder things are MADE for!

    Chris O: Funny, running makes me nauseous but I'd rather not skip right to the vomiting.

    Rachel: Thanks!

    Krista: Oh my god, I can see it now - as if I don't trip on my own feet and fall often enough when I'm running sober.

    Casey: I wouldn't recommend apartment living to you then.

    C.S.Perry: You know, I've been wondering who it is that you remind me of. Now I know! Thanks for scratching that itch.

    Bobbie Leigh: Treadmills make me feel like a hamster.

  13. Hi......
    Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.