Monday, December 01, 2008

Well This Fucking Sucks

Soooooo....I was scrolling through my November posts to make sure I didn't miss posting one day...and it appears that my 11/21 post (which was drafted 11/20) posted with a date of 11/20. So I have no entry from 11/21. I had this problem on the 16th, but I caught it and was able to go back and fix the date problem before the day ended. This time, I didn't catch the mistake until over a week after the gaff. Which means this whole NaBloPoMo bullshit just flew right out the window. Grrr!

When I realized this last night I was PISSED, especially after busting my ass to get four posts ready to accommodate my being out of town for Thanksgiving. Royally irritated. I was this close to punching the computer, but decided that would accomplish nothing, and I would cut my hand and the monitor would have chuckled and asked if that was all I got. After much consideration, and a generous portion of peppermint schnapps, I decided that missing one day doesn't really matter much anyway. I mean sure, I'm totally out of the running for the awesome prizes, and I only get the losers badge to post on my blog. The one that probably says, "I tried to do NaBloPoMo and I was too stupid to post correctly, so I am a loser". But my goal with this exercise was to stretch myself, make myself try something challenging and new. And you know what? I totally did that. So maybe I'm not a complete and utter failure. Not with this, anyway. I posted every day and THEN some. So really, I win.

I learned a lot about myself, namely that I have no shame. I also learned that I need a laptop, because most of my blog ideas strike when I'm away from the computer, and my inherent aversion to writing things down means I forget most of the shit right away. I struggled to find posting material some days, others I had more than I knew what to do with. I committed to something and actually followed through on it. I am going to give myself the Grand Prize and pat myself on the back for this one. Toot my own horn. All that jazz.

Those of you who did the National Blogger Posting Month, what were your experiences? How did you fare? Did you complete the challenge, or did you wuss out, mess up, give up? I'm curious to know how everyone else did with this project.

Tonight is my last class of the semester. Can I get a "Whoop Whoop"? So there's something else I accomplished. Sure, I withdrew from my algebra class early...but this other class, the 3 credit, no testing class, THAT I finished with flying colors. So yay! I must be a genius. Or a psychopath, if the so-called "doctors" can be believed.


  1. Algebra sucks big time.

    In fact, the only thing that sucks more is DELL.

    So, buy a laptop, just not a fucking Dell.

    YAY for the last class though!!

  2. Yes. Syrup is better than jelly.

  3. You know what, I missed one day too, but posted twice on another day. The badge says 30 posts in 30 days. I think it totally counts.

    If you have Txt on your phone, you can set it up to post from there. Just in case you have a really great idea and need to post it STAT!!!

  4. You are the most dedicated blogger I know.

  5. I didn't even know about the challenge, so you did 200% better than I expected lol

    Maybe I should participate in something like that and I might actually have something to write about. I swear I used to be interesting. My old blog was awesome.

  6. I just did not feel like posting two days, so I posted double on other days. I posted something on or about every day in Nov. Good enough for me, since I don't really give a rat's ass about other people's shoulds and rules and shit.

    I think you can still go back and edit that post and change the date to the 21st. I have to go back and change the date when I am completely out of ideas and grab a draft and forget to change the date before I post it, and it posts to like three months earlier, when I started writing it and decided it was too lame to ever see the light of day. Until I get desperate enough. You just choose to edit it and change the date. Simple.

    That boob larvae thing is not gross, just weird. If you follow the snopes link, though, you can wander around and find photos of untreated breast cancer and shit. That is disturbing and gross.

    Not as gross perhaps as mucus flying out a trach tube, but ucky all the same.

  7. I think I'll give it a whirl this month.

  8. You did great. A clerical error? I say post it with the correct date.

  9. I sent you a badge that doesn't look so much like a worried man.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.