Saturday, February 07, 2009

Winter Walk

This sock pretty much sums up the story of my fucking life right now.

In case of a mail emergency:

I wonder if this guy is single...

Crazy, melting snow monster

Wonder what it's like on the other side


  1. LOL, great shots! The single guy remark made me laugh out loud, and the melting snowman, makes me think of things that have nothing to do with snow.

  2. It might be time for you to move out of that neighborhood.

  3. I'd like to spend just a couple of hours with you...just to see it.

  4. Great photos, that monster is a little disturbing. Why is there one sock on the pavement? Do I want to know?

    Who luvs you the most, darlin'? Come on down to Maryland, we have SOME sun...(please vote for me on the HBSB, please? I'll send you some bacon...:)

  5. Cat, Your dad my need a visit. I would love you to see you when you get here. There is NO snow!

  6. There's that sock I was looking for. When you've been out on the town and you hanging your foot out of the window to dry your sock, you're bound to lose one now and then.

  7. Melting Snow Monster=the crooked penis of a snowman who actually is the single guy w/ all the liquor. He passed out naked.


  8. Hot damn, my dryer must be some kind of teletransportation device that sends my socks to minnesota. Keep a look out, I'm sending the cats.

  9. These pics make me miss being back home in Minnesota. We used to make giant snow penises (peni?) all the fucking time. We did so, shut up!

  10. P.S. Thanks to me, you now have 69 followers. Dirty.

  11. Looks like you made good use of the semi warm day. Love the sock!

  12. Actually, I think the other side is warm and snow-free right now. One of the reasons I'd like to spend summers in Alaska and winters in Australia.

  13. Hahaha @ the penis one.
    And I like the "other side"

  14. The snow monster is looking a little phallic. Just sayin'

  15. The single guy with all the empty bottles in his garage... In my mind, he looks like Newman (you know, from Seinfeld).

    You are hilarious!

  16. What the hell is that huge snow penis supposed to be?

    Sorry you're in a funk. I am too, let's go drinking.

  17. Why did the picture of the random dirty sock make me giggle? Well, it did, and I am giggling again. And don't go to the otherside, it will give you a headache.

  18. I so want my address to now be 911.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.