Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I Have GOT To Stop Eating Feces

I'm pretty sure I've got tapeworms. In fact, I'm positive I'm dying from them because I can feel them poking me on the other side of my eye, you know the part where everything connects and cris-crosses, and I can't stop thinking about what they're doing in there, all warm and poop-smelling in my intestines, stretched out all the way from my duodenum to my star fish, sucking up my food and being all white. Evil worms should be black, and yes that IS a fat joke. THOSE BASTARDS!

Don't worry, I've got an appointment with a gastroenterologist tomorrow afternoon. I like to call them the Worm Squad, but they asked me not to do that anymore, something about how I was "scaring the children", but I'm pretty sure that one kid in the waiting room isn't suffering from a worm issue, if you know what I mean. I mean that he's fat.

If I were the gastroenterologist, I'd take pride in being the Worm Squad, and I'd have shirts made up and sell them in my office because can you imagine the bank I'd make if everyone I de-wormed bought one? I mean, DOZENS of dollars we're talking about here people, so why they don't want me to call them the Worm Squad, I'll never know. They should hire me as a marketing consultant, which would technically make me one of the Worm Squad, but I guess that might be a conflict of interest, seeing as I'm dying from tape worms. I better get de-wormed before we take the negotiations any further.

Hopefully the Worm Squad can save me from this violent tape worm infestation before I make those tacos on Thursday, because I've been craving those and I'll be DAMNED if some strung-out white parasite is going to get all the cumin-y goodness. Not on my watch, you slimy little INFIDELS! Although if they want to latch onto all the booze after it's hit my blood stream, they're welcome to those calories.

I won't go into the details of my ailment here. Let's just say that I've been eating for WEEKS now and at this point I'm not really sure where all that food is...um...GOING, exactly, but I DO know where it's NOT going, and that is "into the sewer system", so suffice it to say I'm starting to worry about some sort of "blockage" or "fugue pooping", which I heard is a real thing, but I'm a really light sleeper so somehow I doubt that's the problem in my case.

Also, eating makes me sick.

And then there's the matter of having lost almost ten pounds in the last few weeks, and not on purpose either, I lost ten pounds completely by accident...which - don't get me wrong - I am LOVING the thinness, but then I start thinking about this picture and I remember that I've never lost weight by accident in my entire life (think The Great Grapefruit Diet of '96), and then I'm positive this thing is going to come shooting out of my chest like in that movie The Thing, and it's going to GET on you, and then it's going to bite of your head and then your head is going to grow spider legs and scurry away, and I'd really hate to do that to you people.

So, you know...wish me luck.


  1. What's a glow worms favourite song?
    Wake me up before you glow glow!....oh God!!

  2. i heard that if you don't feed it for a while and then hold food in front of your open mouth it will stick its head out
    but i mean... that's probably not true
    but maybe it is! try it, but have a camera handy because that shit would look great on your t-shirt

  3. EWWWWWW!!!!!!
    But wishing you luck...

  4. Yeah, that sounds like a problem... I hope that it all checks out ok, but I am glad that the Worm squad is on the case...

  5. Maybe the zombie cast was sucking nutrients from your body? Maybe that's why your arm was so nasty and dry.

  6. I'm pretty sure if you eat fire ants they will battle it out in your tummy and the fire ants will win and then die in your stomach acid and you will poop them all out and life will go on.

  7. Thank jeebus I'm on the other side of the country. I don't want to be anywhere near MN when that damn bursts.

  8. Good luck girl! I used to thing I had a tape worm I named him bill, turned out i just had great metabolism, then i drank beer...BYE BYE

  9. Actually, I've always wanted a tapeworm. It seems like a super easy diet.

    But I hope you DO NOT have a tapeworm and that your doctor figures out what is wrong promptly and that you feel better soon.

  10. Wow, that sounds scary.
    I hope it's nothing serious.
    I watch too many medical shows about bizarre cases. Even saw a man shoot a tape worm out his butt.. well part of it, then his wife had to help him pull it.. but you can't get it all.
    So he had to go to doc.

    I need to get a "real" life.

  11. and when you mentioned how you feel it in your eye.. well there was a show about a guy with some kinda little worms in his eyes.

    You reminded me of that.

    Then there was the guy with a bug in his belly.. and he had to put a steak on his belly to get the stupid thing to the surface. AFter it was removed, he saved it - and had a partial hole in his belly.

    Just plain weird shit.

  12. Not trying to scare you.. just remember crazy things I've seen on TV.

    Seriously.. makes me wonder if they make it up!

  13. Dammit! How do you ALWAYS trick me into looking at gross pictures?! Gah!

  14. You just made me get all squiemy (that isn't even a word according to spell check, but it is what I felt)

  15. At least it's not heartworm. I hear they give you arsenic and keep you in a cage with that shit...or, at least with dogs they do.

  16. I think you're just turning into a vampire. Can't eat human food. Sunlight burns the skin. Need to feast on the flesh of the living. All the signs are there. Except the last two. But you can't be too careful, I say.

  17. Wow, good luck. I think I have a major problem for being jealous of you possibly having a tapeworm. But I hope you don't. But I really want to lose weight.

    I need to go cry now.

  18. So...ten pounds you say? Is that passed on by injesting poop? Like, your poop? What are the chances I might accidentally get a worm if I happened to, say, lick your hands? Where do you live again? Are you by chance a heavy sleeper?

  19. Wasn't tapeworms the diet plan from Gone With the Wind?

    I don't know nothing about no tapeworms.

    And I think I found your 10 pounds. In my ass.

  20. Ew...I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

    On the positive side, this post is hilarious--one of your best, in my opinion. I guess various forms of stress and/or infestation make for the best writing.

    Or maybe I'm just delirious from lack of sleep.

  21. That picture made me ill. I wonder who goes into the gastroenterology (or proctology) profession on purpose. Really, shit and farts all day... not a pleasant way to spend your time.

    I hope you shit a lot.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.