Monday, June 22, 2009

My Deductible Has Not Only Been Met, It's Been Wined and Fucking Dined

Wahhhh. Seriously. My back is totally fucked. I went to the orthopedic specialist last week because I've been in some serious back pain and was convinced that either one of my ribs had detached and was carving my initials into my left lung, or I had a massive tumor growing right up against my spine, making it difficult to breath and/or move in any way, and if this was the case, I was going to name it Squid and keep it in a jar if I survived the surgery.

Both X-rays revealed absolutely nothing, which should surprise me exactly zero because nothing is ever wrong with me, according to modern medicine, I feel like there's a problem with my pregnancy and they tell me it's just too early to see the fetus, it's too tiny, everything is fine, and I have acne literally erupting from my back and chest and neck like some kind of pissed of Hawaiian lava-wielding deity and they tell me it's just stress and it will go away on it's own and then when it doesn't go away on it's own they tell me there's nothing they can do to make it better because it's "truncal" and therefore unresponsive to topical treatments, and I should just wait some more. And then I up and stop pooping. For, like, two months. And they tell me that it happens sometimes and they tell me horror stories of city bus drivers who get massive anal leakage and can no longer run their routes and other stories of women who are in the ER every three days for emergency enemas because they haven't pooped in, well, about the same amount of time as me, and that maybe I should stop taking calcium supplement and schedule a colonoscopy that probably won't tell us anything useful about why I'm not pooping, but holy fuck do they think it's fun to shove cameras up ass holes.

And now my back hurts so badly that I can't sleep, and I can't really breathe when I'm laying down, but during the day it comes and goes (thank god) because like right now it doesn't hurt AT ALL (kind of like when I was at my appointment with the orthopedic specialist and he asked me to bend and crouch and twist and show him where I felt the pain, but because it wasn't acting up, I could do all of those things just fine except show him exactly where the pain was because I couldn't remember EXACTLY where it was), so I'm going to physical therapy on Wednesday because he thinks maybe it's a muscle and/or ligament issue and feels we need to "stop the cycle" of pain before it gets worse.

And I'm pretty sure I'm going to go to physical therapy on Wednesday and they'll ask me to do back flips and even though I've never done a back flip before in my life, I'll somehow be able to crank them out like freaking Paul Hamm, and they'll say that I "seem to be fine" and to "let them know if I'm still having trouble in 30 days" and then the instant I walk out of the clinic, my entire body will seize up and my rib will explode from my chest and impale my left eyeball and they'll find me writhing around on the sidewalk and the doctor will come down and rub his chin and furrow his brow and say, "Hmm. Maybe we should make a follow up appointment."


  1. I started physical therapy last week for my shoulder.. it's a great thing!

    I hope it helps you.

  2. Yeah, wait. Are you really pregnant or was that just part of the alien metaphor? Sorry you're dying (figuratively).


  3. Modern medicine: The fine art of charging you a small fortune for telling you there's nothing wrong.

  4. Your medical problems make most of House's patients sound boring. Maybe your body just hates you. That's my professional medical opinion.

  5. If the physical therapy doesn't work out, I highly recommend yoga and a good massage therapist...someone who does things like sports massage.

    Also, in spite of what some people say, I've gotten very good results from seeing a chiropractor.

    Good luck--I've been there and I know it's not fun.

  6. I had wicked back pains a few years back and the doctors couldn't figure out why. They I went to the dentist and he told me I was grinding my teeth and gave me a mouth guard. No more back pain. Go figure.

    Whatever, I'm sure it's all in your head. Or some mutant version of the N1H1 virus and arthritis.

  7. Captain Dumbass, its CRAZY what mouth issues can do the rest of your body! Cat, hang in there girl! I had a stupid amount of back pain this week because im old, but it has stopped!

  8. I recommend a Chiropractor. I thought they were quacks until I needed one. He fixed me right up.

    One other thought.. maybe you should see an internest. When I had gall bladder problems, the main way it affected me was unbelievable pain in my back.... like a knife being stuck in and twisted. It would come and go.

  9. You need the holy trifecta of back pain: chiropractic, massage and acupunture.

    It's the only thing (in combination) that's ever worked for me.

    Re: Pudge450's comment--if your back pain is in mid- to low-back, you might also have a kidney stone.

  10. Your back pain could just be a symptom of having been ill then having a houseful of company!! Also, picking up kids isn't something you just jump into when they're the size of Angel-butt... You start with really little ones and work on your muscles as they grow!! Otherwise, back pain!!!

  11. Second opinion second opinion second opinion!
    I went to the doctors office for a bruise that wouldn't go away and the doc said I was anemic and gave me an iron supplement and told me to get rest. A week later I cut myself and couldn't stop the bleeding and WAMMO it wasn't anemia.

  12. well....I hate western medicine because it's only treating the symptom...Not the cause. I swear by alternative medicine, holistic crap and it's not crap. It is more integrative and while it doesn't quick fix you, may be an option.
    A good chiro is only Matt or Tim.
    Good luck, sorry you're in pain!


  14. No medical advice from me, but lots of sympathy and shared frustration with the whole medical system.

    I tore something off a rib once doing strength training and the doctor told me the pain was stress because I'm a woman and women can't handle the stress of having a job. I should stay at home where I belong.

    I wonder if some stressed-out woman has strangled him to death yet.

  15. My mom swears by her chiropractor and sees him at least once a week. Give that a shot!

  16. You just explained why I hate going to the doctor. They never find anything when I am sick or in pain. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often.

    Hope you feel better.

  17. Did I read that correctly, or did I imagine seeing the word "pregnant"?

  18. This on the tail of the "Mystery Diagnosis" marathon I watched yesterday. It's time for us to do some research, babe! Only I'm too lazy, so pretty much it's up to you. it's your blog that won't let ME leave comments. WTF?

  19. I loved how you seperated "ass" and "holes".

  20. Dude, it's because you haven't pooped. I've heard of back pain from constipation. Seriously, use the power of google.

    My deductible has been met for awhile now so my reverse boob job is only going to cost a couple hundred bucks. How awesome is that?

  21. Michelle is.... Wondering where all these readers were last October when you had a miscarriage?

  22. I know the people around me at work are getting to the point of wanting to kill me because I won't shut up about it, but it fucking well works, for just about everything. Can't poop? Bad back? Raw Food. Raw Food. Raw Food. If you haul a whole bunch more raw food into your diet and cut out bread and milk, things will improve. They will.

  23. So funny- whenever my back goes out I am alway convinced I have a tumor in my back and then I make the mistake of going on Google and get convinced I am going to die from a massive brain explosion.

  24. I'm laughing so hard right now... I wonder if having a camera shoved through your intestines has anything to do with the back pain? Because my back hurts just thinking about it.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.