Sunday, December 05, 2010

Check Out My Headlights

I DROVE TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SEVEN WEEKS. And will continue to do so, indefinitely.

Fuckin-A right!

PS - I won't mention that the last time I drove, I hit a parked car. In my parking lot at work. Under a surveillance camera. That would dampen the mood.


  1. Way to go! Well, not the hitting the parked car thing.

    BTW, I did that once in high school but I was stoned so it didn't really count since I could barely remember it happening. "That dent? I'm not sure how that happened, dad".

  2. I'm feeling a bit motherly about this and all, but I'll high five you ANYWAY.

  3. How the hell do you go from "no internet for you" to "yeah, sure drive a 4000 lb vehicle"???

    Er, I mean. Yay!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.