Thursday, December 11, 2008

Guess What? Answer

I am accepting both "orangutan" and "Jabba The Hut". The mystery picture is a close up of belly roll with the twig laying there. He's resting his snack on his belly roll, kind of like pregnant ladies do with paper plates at their baby showers. And see how I went from orangutan to pregnant lady? That takes mad skillz.

I'm a little disappointed that nobody went in the "vulva" direction with their guesses. That's what I would have said, but you know, whatever. Not everyone can be as disgusting as me.

This fellow resides at the Como Zoo in St. Paul. I don't remember his name, so we'll call him Mr. Orangutan.

The lady orangutan in the exhibit was all trim and graceful, swinging around and playing around, and this guy just sat there and ate twigs all day long. He didn't move once. No wonder he's so fat.


  1. Is that another twig in his mouth or is that some sort of mustache? Because if it's a mustache, then he's very clever, because it looks so much like the twig--- I'd almost say he was cleverly camouflaged. Anyway, while I'm fascinated about the result, I am very upset that it wasn't a french fry.

  2. I missed the Guess What post. But I am positive I would not have guessed this.

  3. for the record i would like to say that the vulva is not disgusting.

  4. I guess I would have to say I'm rather fond of the vulva myself.

  5. ha ha ha that's funny!
    she looks pleasantly plump!

  6. Damn it. How did I miss your guess what and your snow photos?

    Your sunsety goodness is an hour later than mine...Actually it's two hours earlier, because I am three hours behind you, but it's an hour later, because our sunsets are at 3:30 these days. I do not understand why people would choose to move here. Except for all the mountain-y goodness, the fresh air, and the oil, I suppose...

    I never would have gotten the guess what, because I haven't been to the Como Zoo in years and years. And years. We always go to the Minnesota Zoo, where they had the dolphin with scoliosis. Have you seen her? Is she still there? She was just...bent. It was weird. Did you know dolphins can get scoliosis?

    I should just start copying my comments to you and posting them...A new game -- match the comment with which blog from my blog roll I made it on.

    That last sentence is a teeny bit convoluted, but I am too lazy to try to rewrite it...

  7. Heheheheh... you said Vulva...

  8. I love it! But I love anything involving monkeys and things fatter than me...

  9. I was totally going to say my mother in law.

  10. Wow, wouldn't have guess that in a million years... nice one!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.