Friday, January 16, 2009

Completely Unrelated

Yeah, so I've got nothing. The unfortunate side effect of creative writing assignments, apparently, is that I freeze up at the knowledge that I'll be graded on this particular bit of writing, and my brain stops working and I can't write anything at all, let alone anything that would count as "passable" or "blog-able" (although, since when has that stopped me before?), so what I'm going to do is post some photos of Alaska in September. Because they're totally irrelevant, but really beautiful, and because I forgot that I'd taken them until today.

Later this weekend, I'll probably subject you all to the rough draft of my first writing assignment: a 5 page, non-fiction narrative, meant to encompass a (roughly) ten minute period of my life during which I experienced some kind of "turning point" or other, similarly huge pivotal moment. Because don't all important life changes come in nice, ten-minute sized chunks?

Fucking MLK Jr. Day, seriously.


  1. Your pics make me miss my home state. Of course, last week, they had sub-freezing temperatures, and this week it's been windy and raining, so I miss it less.
    And, yeah, when you MUST write something, it can be damn near fucking impossible!

  2. Oh the turning point narrative, I would digress so much it would be impossible to read. Every sentence would lead to somehwhere else and onto another tangent somewhere else.

    GORGEOUS photos by the way, I am super jealous of you you bitch (oooh look at me I swore all by myself, you all are a bad influnce), the beauty of that day must have knocked your sox off. :)

  3. Pretty pictures.

    Good luck writing.

  4. Awesome pictures. Good luck on that assignment. I am sure you will do just fine.

  5. The pictures made me forget what you even blogged about so I guess they worked! Great shots...

  6. You'll do great on the assignment. I've read your stuff and it's pretty awesome. No worries. Great pics!

  7. Oh God You're creative writing class sounds terrifing! I just started a Eng class at the uNiversity I'm at and I am scared to death!! Good luck on your paper! The pics are awesome!

  8. Your pics are great. And your writing always rocks. Good luck!!

  9. Cat, dear, dear Cat. Lovely scenery. And the landscape ain't bad either ;)

    Don't look right at the idea. Don't think about the assignment, think about what you want to write.

    And don't forget, turning point doesn't mean bad or emergency. it could mean the first time you fell in love, or out of love for that matter. Or maybe even the time you had a really good sandwich.

    You'll do fine, I know it.

  10. Deadlines suck. There's no 2 ways about it. I guess it's just part of the fun. Even the self-imposed deadlines here (I HAVE to post at LEAST twice a week)start to become a grind. I guess that's the downside to writing. Fuck it. What are ya gonna do?

  11. Good advice Irish,

    I meant to add that while I have every confidence 'I' would find your task impossible (see I go on tangents and get lost so easily), I know 'you', are going to be brilliant.

    It's written already. :)

  12. The biggest 10 minute turning point would have to be the Incubus Sucks moment. I mean come on. It was at that moment you realized you were really done.
    Wait that was a turning point in my life. My bad.

  13. that last picture makes me feel the wind!

  14. Your pics suck.

    OK, they don't really, but I wanted to be different.

    My whole life happens in 10 minute chunks. If it can't be done in 10 minutes, I don't do it. Well, except for sex. I stretch out the chunks then. Well... except for when it was with my ex... then 10 minutes was plenty ;)

    Good luck on your assignment... I've no doubt you'll manage it beautifully. Just be sure to write it in 10 minutes.

  15. I love writing, but when you actually have to write something? Yick. Even memes get to me sometimes. Chaos does not have guidelines!

  16. Isn't everything that happens a turning point? (Or maybe that's why I'm always going in circles)

    I say bring on the five pages.

    (Are you breaking up with me? Cause if you are, I'm going to need my CD's back.... hope not. :)

  17. beautiful pictures! Although with it 15 below zero right now the thought of Alaska isn't up on my top list! any Hawaii pix? Need warmth-now! ;o)

  18. That is beautiful country right there. Holy crap.

    And how can they expect any 10 minute snapshot in time to stretch itself out to 5 pages of material? I guess that's why it's called creative writing.

    Good luck!

  19. 1. Creative Writing classes are for pussies.

    2. MLK day is a joke.

    3.There is no Peace in Alaska.

    4. Alaska is for pussies...especially in September.

  20. Alaska is gorgeous. Apparently she is also bipolar, because after weeks of subzero bone-chilling cold, it's been a week of 45 degree temps.

    Ten minutes when I had a turning point? That's a bitch of an assignment.

  21. Okay, who do I haveto blow to get on your blogroll? and just in case you didn't think I'm a complete whore, what else needs to be done to get you to keep me on your gmail reader?

    I have no scruples. None, nada, zero.

  22. So you are obviously writing about meeting me for your writing project right?


    :) XOXO

  23. Those are beautiful pictures! I wish one day I could go to Alaska too. It looks so amazing.

    I'm looking forward to reading the narrative if you post it too. :)

  24. WOW, good lord, those pics are Beeeeyoootiful. Hope your writing thingaling is going well.

  25. Cant wait to read your story

  26. P.S. - I’m tagging you to join in the Desk Tag fun! Check it out on my Blog.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.