Friday, May 15, 2009

I've Also Just Been Appointed Queen of Sheba

So yesterday was my 200th post, which I'd been delaying for almost a week by following a strict schedule of Not Posting and Not Thinking About Posting and Ignoring Everyone Else's Posts because they make me feel guilty for not posting and also Reading Twilight (don't even get me started on how that happened).

I wanted to come up with something for this blogging milestone that was both MAGICAL and HORRIFYING (exactly like Disneyland)((except my characters are all doing lines of coke and humping each other)) but the best I could come up with was another Countdown List, which is boring as fuck and not at all conducive to my spring-induced attention deficit disorder. I'd get to #17 and then I'd see someone on TV wearing a bolo, and I'd be all, "Hey, are those back in style? Because I saw one on My Boys this week. Which reminds me, did I set the DVR to record the new season of Jon & Kate Plus 8? And then I'd be googling this video, crying over the impending divorce of two psychotic (but loveable) strangers, and making a double vodka cranberry for myself. At 8:30 a.m.

Then I remembered I'm very close to unveiling a kick-ass new look here at Zipbag of Bones, that I'm just waiting for my sexy, nameless, secret graphic artist to "finish" tinkering with some designs and give me the green light to use them here (the last time I counted, she was working on SEVENTY NINE different, but equally sponge-worthy versions of my header)((I've met my match in OCD Land)), and at that time I also have a naughty product review in the works to kick off the new look, and I decided that THIS was the perfect thing for my 200th post!

So I waited to get the green light on my new designs, but then my sexy, nameless, secret graphic artist flitted off to Europe and didn't invite me to go with her, NOR did she promise to bring me back foreign wine - stingy whore - so I realized I'd have to come up with some other awesome idea in the meantime.

Then my Jill's birthday was upon us, and it was too late to write a separate Blogging Milestone Extravaganza post, but I really wanted to put up a birthday tribute, so I was just like, "Fuck it. Nobody cares it's my 200th post but me, and I'll just jack off before bed to make it up to myself."

So. Here we are today. And I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Yay me."

But also, go here if you want to check out my contribution to my university's art's and literature publication (the publication is called Haute Dish. Like "Hot Dish". How fucking midwest chic is that?) My non-fiction piece Eleven's End is under the "Prose" tab, and my bio (thanks for helping me write it!) is on page 1. of the "Bios" section.

Double "Yay me."


  1. I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out.

  2. How can Sexy nameless ghraphic designer NOT hook you up w/ Wine, thats just a mean cruel, shitty thing to do...=)

  3. Congrats on #200!!!
    There, see?
    Somebody cares!!! :)~

  4. Congrats on 200 you bloggy addict you!!!

  5. Congrats on your 200th post! And again on Haute Dish! I want to change my blog's look also... but every time I think about actually doing it my head explodes. Hm.

  6. congrats on 200 :) i read your prose piece, great style, sad but true. i feel you.

  7. Happy #200! I am aproaching my 600... holy crap!

  8. Yay you times two!

    God damn I'm cheesy.

  9. What a better way to celebrate your 200th post than to make it all about me? Seriously. It's all me all the time baby!

  10. LOL @ what Michelle said!

    yay you! yay you!

    I'm going to read your contribution now.

  11. went to Europe without you. Clearly this gal has HUGE problems. Happy 200th. I skipped mine altogether. I know all that crap about me already and wouldn't want to scare anyone with telling them too much

  12. "MAGICAL and HORRIFYING (exactly like Disneyland)((except my characters are all doing lines of coke and humping each other))"


  13. Happy 200th. I almost blew right past mine without a whimper. Then sexy nameless graphic artist should at least bring you a souvenir. Wine makes a good one.

  14. Yay you. I'm intrigued by this sexy new look and I will await it's unveiling.

  15. Son of bitch! Where's my comment?! I'm glad nameless sexy designer told you she was going to Europe for a month, I got worried when I hit that 3rd paragraph. Don't worry about not being invited. 3 sisters together 24/7 for a month? Only one will come home alive.

  16. OMG a truly suitable 200th post, I laughed all the way through it! Thank you for being so f*ing funny and sharing yourself with the world. I always leave this blog smiling. Yay you is right!
    Good luck on the new *look*!

  17. damn it i'm the 99th follower... i should have paid attention and waited to be 100th... i like your blog girl... you seem quiet in person and then i read this and wow this chic has balls.... lol thanks again for today... we will have to have you come back and watch all 4 kids and then you can blog about that!! HA!!!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.