Monday, March 15, 2010

Capitol Testicle Plunger Candy

You can't believe they kicked us out? We can't believe they let us IN.

What you don't see is that guy's hand fondling the giraffe package.
I think he was eating motzo balls.

Mexicans are weird. Check out this candy toilet. The bowl is full of powdery goodness and the dipping candy is a lollipop in the shape of a plunger. Which, first of all...who the fuck needs two plungers for one toilet? Gray, that's who.

We also ate a cucumber-flavored sucker and a corn-flavored sucker. In the shape of an ear of corn. With the texture (and flavor) of dry cornmeal. I guess we didn't so much "eat" them as we "licked them tentatively and threw them in the trash, but only after wiping our tongues on some of the hemp underwear we found at the hipster kiosk."
I told you it was an eventful weekend.


  1. Toilet candy freaks me out. And why were you kicked out of the Capitol, hmm?

  2. I don't know what's weirder. The giraffe balls, the toilet candy, or you and Gray... ;-)


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.