Monday, March 15, 2010

Well, Gray and I had an eventful weekend. So much so that I'm too exhausted to tell you about it right now. Instead, I'll give you the highlights of our time together:

  • We went into church on Saturday. And I did not burst into flames.
  • Gray rang a bunch of bells until he found mine.
  • 3 Words: Hot.Dog.Burps.
  • We got thrown out of the State Capitol by security.
  • I bought candy. Weird candy. Fucking bizarre Mexican candy. It was almost as hideous as it was disgusting.
  • Gray worked on his puzzle.
  • I got naked in a strange woman's bathroom.
  • We didn't know it was daylight savings time until Gray was an hour late for work. He entered to a round of applause from his co-workers. I like to think they were applauding his choice of wife.

I may need to make a vlog to explain this one...

1 comment:

  1. choice of wife? Does this mean that you were married over the weekend?


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.