Thursday, April 07, 2011

Nozema, on the other hand, is in mourning

I stopped taking hormonal birth control in January in preparation for Operation: Damn You Vagina, Swallow, Don't Spit and the skin on my torso, though pasty-white and semi-scarred, certainly has not erupted in the violent display of porous infections known as "truncal acne" that I feared it would.

Therefore it is obvious that my hideous brush with Backne from Hell during the winter of 2008-2009 was definitely due to the miscarriage of baby Gage. At that time, in the MONTHS following the miscarriage, I hypothesized that my mortifying skin condition was a combination of my terrible genes (inherited from my mom) and those very same hormones (laugh! cry! laugh! growl! cry!) which caused the Backne from Hell. My poor torso didn't begin to heal until I started taking birth control again.

This time, I not only quit suppressing my periods (which I've done for a decade, give or take), but went off of the pill entirely, I can assure you that there has been NO lack of emotional bipolarism, and I assume my rapid shifts from raucus laughter to inexplicable weeping is due almost entirely to my crazy-ass hormones that are now free to course through my body without the barrier of ortho-cyclen to block them.

I may be fucking crazy right now, and I may cry with joy if you tell me your morning poop was shaped like a banana, but I can assure you that every zit on my body is visible on my face.

And that's something.


  1. I really thought that I was the only person who was nuts about adult acne. I swear I never notice it on anyone else, but I will twist myself into a pretzel to try to pop a zit that is anywhere except my face.

  2. Jennelou is too lazy to log inApril 08, 2011 11:26 AM

    I am experiencing a slight case of BOOBne. LoL. And my hormones are obviously all out of whack because I am often sweating my ass off while everyone else is freezing.

    Called my doc today...they were extra helpful. Except...NOT.

  3. Jennelou is too lazy to log inApril 08, 2011 11:27 AM

    And gawd, I suck...sorry for being absent for so long...must get caught up! :)

  4. Wait til you're pregnant and you start growing 'skin tags'. I think you, of all people, will probably develop every single weird-ass pregnancy symptom available, just cause you're YOU.

    Good luck with the bonking!


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.