Monday, July 06, 2009

Miss Yvonne: Bnaughty By Nature

Congratulations to the winner of a Bnaughty by BSwish, courtesy of Drew and Eden Fantasys: Miss Yvonne of Yo Mama's Blog from DFW, Texas!!

I used this random generator to pick a winner from the 16 unique entries to my Sex Toy Giveaway, and Miss Yvonne was lucky #14! I stopped over by her place today and see that she's got a little giveaway of her own going on at her blog, one which is vastly less erotic but also much funnier. I mean...who doesn't want to chew a mullet, truly?

At first, I was somewhat disheartened by the lack of participation in my vibrator fest here at Zipbagofbones. Don't you people like yourselves? Or were you all taught to be ashamed of your body like I was? Did you mother also tell you that touching yourself was naughty? Because I'll tell ya, if she's anything like my mother, she talked out the one side of her mouth and she had Playboys and pot hidden in her bedroom.

I was sad for you people and your mummified, cob-webby lady bits. That is...until I check my Googly Analytics report and saw that 111 people stopped here JUST to read my review of the Bnaughty, and the average time spent on that particular page was over 2 minutes, so basically long enough to fiddle yourselves, so clearly there are more dirty sluts out there than you would have us believe.

Also, I've got news for you people who read but do not play: Jesus knows you read my blog, so I don't think you'll get any points for not entering my giveaway.

Congrats, Miss Yvonne - be sure to email me for details about collecting your considerabl(y pleasurable) prize!


  1. Did I miss a give away? Dang it! I could have used a new toy.

  2. Aww, congrats to Miss Yvonne! It sounds like her blog name is just dirty enough to need something like that. I meant that in a good way.

    Also, my mom just didn't talk about any of it. Seriously, nothing. My 8th grade PE teacher sent a note home to my mom to take me bra shopping, that's how bad my mom was about talking about girl stuff with me.

  3. Try not to be bitter. I have no need of sex toys as long as I keep my nails clipped.

  4. If you end up wining that awesome birth control gum then we will know that the whole thing was fixed.

  5. Holy vibrators, Batman!!! I can't tell you how excited I am to win! Seriously, I can't tell you because it would be x-rated.

    Tra la la la laaaaa!!!

    Thank you!!!!

  6. DAMN! the GF wouldve loved that!

  7. hahahahaha, damn, I missed it??? I didn't even know it was happening. SHIT!

  8. I luv reading your musings! Also, thanks for the comments on my blog! :)

  9. Jesus is cool with that. He likes vibrators too.

  10. I wasnt around I swear i totaly would have entered that. I love my vibrator

  11. Congrats for finding a place where dirty sluts can congregate on the internet! ;)

  12. boo. If you wanna give away two, I am WAY first in line. It's HELLO KITTY, come on!!!

  13. Okay, that's it! Thank the Goddess for Miss Yvonne who clued me into this marvelous site where they give away sex toys! I only wish she would have told me about it BEFORE she won the grand prize so I could have had a chance. Sign me up immediately as a stalker of your blog! I promise to read your posts faithfully so I don't miss out on any other fabulous giveaways!

    Cat Lady

  14. Great post about edens ... much kudos :)


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.