Monday, March 16, 2009

whole nother level of attention whoreyness

i'm not posting today because of this:

and because of this:

but mostly because of this:

this is what they like to call "a broken wrist"
i dont recommend it
i do recommend percoset
more later this week
if anyone wants to come bathe me, let me know
also: one-handed hand washing? is tricky
double that for one-handed typing


  1. You should start making up a story for how you broke your wrist saving a baby from a wheat thresher or something. And when people gasp at your bravery just sort of shrug like it's no big deal.

    Heal up! I'm new here and have a short attention span. Seriously though...get well, Cat. :)

  2. That post must have taken you, like, forEVER to type.

    You'll do anything for blog fodder wont ya?? Hope you've healed up by the time the percoset wears off!

  3. What the hell happened to you? What did I miss? Ack, feel better. You can come and float around the pool if you want.

  4. WTF? You can't do this.

  5. oh dear.... so your weekend was not that best huh? Heal fast!

  6. Oh man, that sucks! Feel better!

  7. ouch. i don't envy you.
    well, yeah ok i kinda do
    you having that cool cast and all. and my arm is all regular and not cast-y

  8. I love clues!

    Let's see...a tragic mime injury it looks like. Am I right? I'm right aren't I?

  9. What is that? Some kind of weird masturbatory injury?

    All kidding aside, I'm sorry you're hurt. Broken bones suck big hairy balls. If there is a bright side, it's Percocet.

  10. I feel your pain. I broke my ankle once. It was the worst pain ever!

    Hang in there.

    And sorry, I only wash myself. ha ha ha!

  11. OMG you poor thing. Take care.

  12. Aww, Cat! Looks like you took a serious tumble. Take care of yourself, enjoy the legal high and share the details as soon as humanly possible!

  13. OY! Hope you get on the mend soon. If you need to scratch a wire hanger works well ;)

  14. ouch! what the hell happened to you?! who is responsible for one of my favorite bloggers not being able to type much?! Somebody needs a b-slap! Hope you feel better soon.

  15. From the first photo I've deduced that O.J. did this to you.

  16. :( Sorry about your wrist. Oh, the wrist... so many dirty comments I shall NOT share with the general public! ;)

    Get better soon!



    and Fuck.

    But I am still taking the ponytail thing as a challenge...

  18. Holy huge-ass cast, Batman! Can I sign it? I promise I'll write something awesome like "I told you rollerblading on your hands was a bad idea".

  19. Feel better and good luck with the one-handed everything!

  20. I officially need to start reading my blogroll in backwards alphabetical order, so that I don't end up missing your stuff for a whole week based solely on the fact that "zipbag" starts with a "z." I can't take this much hilarity all at once!

    And also, I am sorry about your wrist.


You.Yeah, you. Speak the fuck up.